Higher Self-esteem ... Greater Focus and Concentration

Forbrain® improves activities that involve additional performance areas such as reading (better comprehension) or going to the gym (more productive workouts). It reduces your sensitivity to noise, makes yourself get in touch more easily with your own voice and thus, increases self-confidence. Your body receives better quality sensory information with daily use of Forbrain®.

forbrain dynamic filter

Better quality sensory information thanks to a dynamic filter

While bone conduction facilitates good self-listening, the message emitted by the voice provides a sound of good quality! Forbrain®is equipped with a dynamic filter that reacts to the intensity of the voice.

The user hears her own voice filtered with alternating contrast. This shifting of sound or alternation will occur mainly during the beginning of speaking words and long vowels, the “clear sounds” that are strongly involved in the construction of language. By hearing and choosing this new perception of sounds, the user instantly and unconsciously significantly improves the quality and rhythm of her voice.

In addition, this alternating filter is designed to amplify high frequencies and simultaneously diminish low frequencies. As a result, this dynamic filter accentuates the transmission of high frequency harmonics which play a fundamental role in cortical stimulation and increased energy.

The dynamic filter improves not only the user’s hearing, but also the user’s entire vestibular system, managing motion, core stability, motor planning, balance, and spatial orientation. The result? Clearer vocal quality and rhythm. Improved listening. Greater focus and concentration. A better ability to “fit in,” and higher self-esteem.
