Forbrain® is used as a daily tool for reading, speaking, attending in class or for general use


correct body position

For 15 minutes of speaking aloud through the Forbrain® microphone and stimulating your own ears with your own voice, you strengthen your auditory reception and processing.

Communication is clearer as you participate easily in conversations and comprehend the sounds you hear. Place the headphones around the back part of your head with the ear pieces sitting on the two bones beside your outer ears. Adjust the microphone to your mouth so you are able to hear your voice easily. Then adjust the sound level.

Immediately you will hear your own voice changed and clarified by the effect of the audio-vocal loop. Your voice is corrected by the interpretation of what your brain hears and you feel energized and motivated by this natural effect.

Progressively, you will feel the natural change of your voice as well as your ability to speak and focus better. Forbrain® progressively teaches your voice to efficiently stimulate your brain.
You leverage your voice to improve your brain !
