Fee delivery in South Africa and 10% discount http://www.forbrain.com/?utm_id=3B4202423 FORBRAIN® can be used by children and adults.

« I noticed an immediate improvement in pronunciatio and now, he is able to sit for up to 15 minutes at a time and work on oral memorization »

It has been fun to learn about language development as my boys have grown from delightful toddlers with only a handful of words to big kids who are learning to fully express themselves. While I love some of the cute mispronunciations that my boys make, I know how important language development is at a young age. My boys have had the typical speech issues of hard to understand preschoolers
Fee delivery in South Africa, No import fees  10% discount   http://www.forbrain.com/?utm_id=3B4202423
FORBRAIN® can be used in multiple applications for children and adults
